Milky Edwards and The Chamberlings

"Starman", by Milky Edwards & The Chamberlings

Soul Love
Moonage Day Dream

Versions of David Bowie tracks all Souled up Milky Edwards and The Chamberlings.

Soul Love of course would be the best of these – it’s got a fittingly correct title.

But of course this is all a HOAX. Having said all that, give it a listen – it’s such fun!!! I like the version of Starman – it could almost be sung by some of the later Northern Soul discoveries! The question arises, of course, if it’s a fake, what is it for? How can they make money out of this? Any why pick such a really, really, bad name? We need to be told!

Milky Edwards And The Chamberlings
Milky Edwards And The Chamberlings

David Bowie did like Soul music he was after all a London MOD. He made some great tracks – some were definitely Soul.

Milky Edwards and The Chamberlings – Genuine or fake? – The Guardian